WoVeN’s Mission
To provide a unique social network of women Veterans to foster connections and build relationships in local communities and across the nation.
How to Connect with WoVeN
News from woven
WoVeN Announcements
All About the VA Biorepository Brain Bank
WoVeN Announcements
WoVeN Partner, BWF, Publishes Spotlight on Service-Related Infertility
Join an Upcoming WoVeN Group!
WoVeN groups are the heart of WoVeN! Groups take place online for women Veterans everywhere or in person in communities across the country.
Each WoVeN group is eight sessions and offers a wonderful opportunity for building supportive relationships with other women Veterans.
Pick a group that works for you and join the fun!
Group members will discuss communication styles and how this may differ in civilian life.
We are excited to connect, grow, & have fun together while supporting each other’s journey.
Expand your virtual network of fellow veterans across the nation!
“WoVeN has given me a sense of friendship and belonging with other female Veterans – a sisterhood.”
– Woman Veteran and WoVeN Member
Support Woven
When you choose to donate to WoVeN, you are supporting our mission to provide a unique social network of women Veterans to foster connections and build relationships in local communities and across the nation.
WoVeN is Social!