On this page you’ll find the forms, worksheets, and policies you’ll need to ensure your WoVeN groups run smoothly! To see more information on any of the following, scroll down or click one of these options:

Forms for Peer Leaders | Policies and Flyers | Meeting Worksheets | Alumni Groups

Forms for Peer Leaders

WoVeN Policies and Flyers

Meeting Worksheets

Alumni Groups

Alumni Groups are designed to be used with existing groups or with newly formed groups of WoVeN graduates nationally. Alumni Groups were developed to be intentionally flexible – you can run a single group or decide to do a series. It is up to you!

Once you decide on a group theme you want to lead,  submit the registration form under Forms for Peer Leaders to register your group. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with materials for the group. You can also direct group members to the Join a WoVeN Alumni Group page so they can enroll in your group!